Friday, March 11, 2011

mudah didekati tp sukar dimiliki

short note for guys out there...
korg jgn la slah anggap...
pnt la aku lyn org cmni...
ye aku ni mmg sng didekati...
sbb aku bole brkwn ngan sape2 je...
jd rapat cm da "couple"
pggl syg, honey etc, mkn bersuap..
and byk ag la...
bnda 2 da jd bese kat aku..
tp aku anggap bnda 2 xde pape pn..
sooo jgn la anggap aku ni murah sgt..
i still have my price k..
siyesly mmg ssh org nk dpt aku..
bkn jual mahal tp xmo trbeban..

~people keep asking me why dont u have a bf??
and my simple answer : i dont need it...hahaha
nk dgr jwpn pjg:
aku student degree of aerospace at UPM..
bunyi pn da gempak..sooo mmg payah la kn..
as student of university i need 2 participate at other programmes
soo busy ngan kolej and club..
aku jgk ank sulung dr famili yg da xde abah..
sooo tanggungjawab aku bsr...
i need to be partner wif my mom to make our famili better..
1hr ad 24 jam...i mggu ad 7hr and 1bln ad 30hr..
hr2 aku akan busy ngan aktiviti U..
class, tutor, assgn, club and etc
weekend kalo free wif famili..
sooo there's no time for my boffie..
and for me a relationship is a big commitment..
if u cant give a commitment soo dont waste ur time...
nnt byk la alasan xserasi la..
die xfhm la..sooo utk mengelak dr 2 bek lupakn dulu..
bkn aku xmo nk in love ni..
tp keadaan xmengizinkn..
kdg2 jeles gak tgk org yg brcinta
bese la kn nmpk sweet sgt..bahgia..
tp aku keep tell myself "bukan ko xpnh rs 2"
and kat situ gak kuar kata2 "bukan slalonya manis..ko pn tau??"
sooo kalo takut dlambung tsunami jgn poyoz nk wat umah kat tepi pantai

*haaaa...ckp pnjg x jwpn??? just enjoy what u have rite now =)

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